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Cosmic Deep, 2019

Cosmic Deep, 24x24


Paintings usually ship within 5-7 business days of purchase. They are packed safely and insured for their value just in case anything goes awry in transit. All paintings ship free within the United States. Please contact for international shipping quotes.

Larger paintings (depending upon size and shipping box availability) may be removed from the stretchers before shipping. If this is the case, you will be notified beforehand.

Cancellations must happen within 24 hours of initial purchase and may take a few days to process.

Returns are contingent upon safe return of purchased paintings and are only available within the first two weeks after purchase. Buyer is responsible for return shipping.

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Every effort has been taken to insure digital images resemble original paintings as accurately as possible, however, variations in screens and monitors may alter the way colors appear.

Some samples may not appear to scale. Please see specs for each piece to be sure size is understood.

Unless otherwise noted, all frames in sample images on this site are for display purposes only.

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Unless otherwise noted, all frames in sample images on this site are for display purposes only.

If you’re interested in a floating canvas frame, please get in touch via this site or Framing options are available on most stretched canvas paintings.

Please note, each floating canvas frame is handmade to order by a supplier in the US then shipped to the studio to be artist installed. Please allow a minimum of 4 weeks for your painting to be shipped if you choose to add a frame.

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If you have any other questions or would like detail pictures or videos of any painting, please get in touch with Lisa at or call/text at 585-466-4511

Find out more about Lisa here.